My first try at a home made energy drink is shown bellow. I drank this during my 42 mile training ride last Sunday.
So the results? Well, I logged some fast miles and kept a bonk at bay on two bottles of my mix and an apple but it was not a beverage I enjoyed and craved more of. It was a sweet tea with a weird aftertaste that made my head hurt. I did not dilute it enough and the formula needs work. Next time I think I will do without the tea and add more juice. I also picked up some coconut sugar so I will give that a try instead of honey for the calories.
On the equipment front, I got a lot of flack (rightfully) for showing up to a shop ride without a buddy flap in the pouring rain. My previous full fender was glued on with shoe gu so it was not an easy morning of type install. I needed a hard point at the bb to bolt the fender to. Why not glue one on and leave it there year round?
Some 6061 painted black with a hole should serve the purpose of mounting my fended. Zip ties can be removed once the shoe gu is cured:
Home made extra long buddy flap made from 1/8" industrial conveyor mat, 3m reflective tape, and some stickers for rear approach distance perception:
It might be May but we are not done with the wet weather yet. At times during my ride in the paceline I was wishing for a snorkel and diving mask.
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